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Linear Support Vector Machine
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a machine learning algorithm which can be used for both regression or classification problem.
In Lecture, Machine Learning, AI, May 03, 2020Machine Learning
Machine Learning is reshaping how we live. You may not know it but machine learning is all around you.
In Lecture, Machine Learning, AI, Apr 28, 2020Getting Started with Gulp
Gulp is an amazing tool that helps you with some tasks when it comes to the web development especially in front-end tasks. This article will help you to use gulp, so you can begin exploring using gulp by yourself. Gulp is usually used in some task...
In Web Development, Tutorial, Dec 27, 2018Featured
Menyambut Teknologi Swakemudi
In Kompas, Opinion, Technology, Self-Driving, -
Lupa Bahasa Sains
In Kompas, Opinion, Sains, Fondasi Sains, -
Sengkarut Data Pribadi
In Kompas, Opinion, Technology, Data Privacy, -
Mengimitasi Silicon Valley
In Kompas, Opinion, Technology, -
Apakah keramahan sudah tamat riwayatnya di Indonesia?
In Reflection, Social Media, Technology,